1. Maintaning Health
If you are caring for a person with dementia, you will want to ensure that they remain as fit and healthy as possible. The better the person feels, the more enjoyment they are likely to get from life and the easier it will be for both of you to manage.
2. Pressure Sores
You will want to help the person you are caring for remain as mobile as possible. Older people who are not very mobile are particularly vulnerable to developing pressure sores.
3. Dental Care
Good oral health is important for a person’s sense of well-being and quality of life. Poor oral health can lead to pain and tooth loss, affecting self-esteem and the ability to eat, laugh and smile.
4. Incontinence
Incontinence is not an inevitable symptom of dementia. There are many different reasons why a person with dementia may become incontinent. Incontinence can be upsetting and humiliating for the person with dementia as well as stressful for the carer.
5. Care on a General Hospital Ward
People with dementia may be admitted to general hospital wards either as part of a planned procedure or following an accident. Carers often worry about how their friend or relative will cope in such a strange environment.