As a service to our viewers, ADFM provides in this section links to various websites on the Internet that may be of interest to Alzheimer’s patients and their families. Please note that ADFM is not associated in a commercial and/or legal capacity with any of these websites and that ADFM does not take responsibility for the contents of any of these websites. Please read our Disclaimer before proceeding to the other websites below.
Alzheimer’s Disease Association Worldwide
Alzheiner’s Diesease International www.alz.co.uk
ADI is the international federation of 69 Alzheimer associations throughout the world.Our key role is to build and strengthen Alzheimer associations throughout the world, so they are better able to meet the needs of people with dementia and their families. ADI was founded in 1984 and is registered as a not-for-profit organisation in the USA. Our offices are now in the UK.
USA – Alzheimer’s Association www.alz.org
ADI’s largest member association, this excellent all round site includes news, updates on research, comprehensive information for caregivers, and an area on public policy in the USA. Also has contact details for chapter network across the USA.
Canada – Alzheimer Society of Canada www.alzheimer.ca
Includes information about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, a discussion forum for caregivers and an ‘Ask the Expert’ e-mail service for questions not answered on the site. Also has a library of available publications with an on-line order form. In English and French.
Alzheimer’s Association NSW, Australia www.alznsw.asn.au
Includes news and information on Alzheimer’s disease in Australia, reading lists and on-line versions of their HelpNotes, including versions in Italian, Chinese, Greek, Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Croatian, Macedonian, Maltese and Vietnamese.
USA – Alzheimer’s Association Northern Virginia Chapter www.alz-nova.org
Includes information about dementia, tips for caregivers, an extensive bibliography and a list of web-sites.
Links to other ADI member association sites can be found on the National Alzheimer’s associations page.
General resources about dementia
Alzheimers.com www.alzheimers.com
Based in the USA and funded by Bayer (pharmaceutical company), Alzheimers.com has a lot of information on all aspects of Alzheimer’s disease, a community bulletin board, research news and daily updates.
Dementia Web www.dementia.ion.ucl.ac.uk
Includes CANDID – support, advice and information for caregivers, a virtual caregiver support live chat-room, as well as the International Working Group on Harmonisation Of Dementia Drug Guidelines and the Dementia Research Group.
Alzheimer Europe www.alzheimer-europe.org
An organisation which aims to improve the care and treatment of people with Alzheimer’s disease through intensified collaboration between its member associations in Europe. Includes contact details for associations around Europe. Available in English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish and Finnish.
Novartis Pharma Alzheimer’s Information www.alzheimer-info.com
Information page solely about Alzheimer’s, run from Novartis Pharma’s web-site. This gives information about Alzheimer’s and some products used to treat it.
Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center www.alzheimers.org
A service of the US National Institute on Ageing, their site has information on Alzheimer’s disease, and also details of publications, a bibliography database and a clinical trials database.
10/66 Dementia Research Group www.alz.co.uk/1066
Epidemiological research group affiliated to ADI, encouraging active collaboration between research groups in different developing countries and between developed and developing countries. Includes prevalence figures, research news and a list of publications.
Alzheimer Research Forum www.alzforum.org
This site includes news and information about the latest dementia research. The site is aimed at caregivers, researchers and doctors. Includes a frequently asked questions section and has a large database of publications.
The Nun Study www.coa.uky.edu/nunnet
The nun study is a longitudinal study of ageing and Alzheimer’s disease which began in 1986 in the USA. This web-site details research findings to date and the background to the study.
Alzheimer’s Disease Co-operative Study www.alz.ucsd.edu
Sponsored by the National Institute of Aging in the USA, this site provides details of ongoing clinical trials in the USA and useful resources and links
Caregiver resources
Family Caregiver Alliance www.caregiver.org
This web-site provides an all round information service, providing support for families, caregivers, professionals, policy makers and the media. It has a good resource centre including an on-line support group, caregiver consultation and a list of community services in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can also post caregiving questions to expert staff in the Ask FCA section.
ALZwell Alzheimer’s caregivers page www.alzwell.com
This site provides comprehensive information and links on all aspects of caring. Includes caregiver stories, tips, a discussion forum, a chat-room and an extensive caregiver book store.
Ageing sites
Novartis Foundation for Gerontology www.healthandage.com
Site aimed at the patient, doctor and other healthcare professionals for information on aspects of ageing, including dementia. Also includes an ‘ask the expert’, a bulletin board and educational materials.
Ageing & Health at WHO www.who.int/ageing
Comprehensive site on all aspects of ageing.