The Support Group constitutes the heart of the Alzheimer’s movement.
Made up of a community of Alzheimer’s families and volunteers, the Support Group provides a sense of belonging and fellowship to all those whose lives have been touched by Alzheimer’s Disease or other forms of dementia.
The Support Group is a safe haven for caregivers. Here they may ventilate their feelings, needs and concerns. Here, they share the tears and the laughter of caregiving experiences. Here they come to know that they are part of a bigger Alzheimer’s family, that they are not alone in the face of a ravaging illness which has brought such turmoil into their lives.
Currently, the monthly meeting is organised in one (or a combination) of three formats on a rotating basis – an educational session on relevant caregiving topics; a sharing session to attend to emotional needs; and a Family Day session to include our Alzheimer’s loved ones for an afternoon of activity, food and fun!
Besides emotional support, the Support Group is also set up to be a source of practical help for families of patients with dementia.
The training program includes the educational sessions mentioned above, as well as occasional special courses. But this is just the beginning! The development of the Support Group lies in the hands of its members. Daycare centres dedicated to the needs of dementia patients, sitting services, counselling services, a Youth Forum for grandchildren of Alzheimer’s patients, a training course for maids … these, and more, can all be organised – but the group must want to make it happen!
For contact information on Support Groups and Contact Persons in the various regions in Malaysia, see Nationwide.