Virtual fundraising event
open to all Malaysians
in conjunction with WAM 2021
Organized by ADFM.
Total targeted Steps contribution
by all participants
10 Million steps

How to participate
• Treadmill walking / foot pedal aid is accepted.
• The date and step count must be shown in the submitted walking results.
• Participants can complete walking target in one or multiple submissions.
• Register at cps4.me/wam2021 (link to https://checkpointspot.asia/event/wam2021)
Guide on How to register
• Participants who sign up may start to record & submit their steps with the aid of fitness tracker or mobile apps such as MyFitnessPal / Pace Health Pedometer / Google Fit / Fitbit, etc.

How to submit results
• Go to vr.checkpointspot.asia/submit/wam2021
• Key in Registration ID and IC Number (Registration ID will appear on email confirmation slip). Kindly fill all the information needed.
• Your details will appear once you have successfully log-in into your result submission page.
• Key in your activity Date and Step count.
• You can submit up to 5 accumulated results.
• Results will be displayed at leader board after verification.

Example of a Google Fit mobile apps
View Google Fit App Review How To Use, Hidden Features 2021, Everything in One video!!
◦Alternatively if the caregiver of the elderly or Persons with Dementia are not familiar with using the above Mobile Apps, the steps may be recorded manually by the caregivers/volunteers or may contact ADFM for assistance if needed.
Participant’s Entitlements
• You will also receive a printable campaign poster in the confirmation email.
• As a token of appreciation, you will receive an E-certificate after the WAM campaign.

Limited edition WAM masks will be given to the first 100 registered participants

Upon receiving your email confirmation, you will receive a link to guide you to download your personalised E-frame.

Complimentary Sunday Group Activities with Teacher Janet via ZOOM (30-40 mins session starting at 2:00PM, every Sunday in the month of September).

Complimentary One-to-One Virtual Sharing & Exploration Session Through Sand Tray or Expressive Arts, offered by Master of Counselling students from International Medical University (IMU) supervised by qualified supervisors appointed by IMU.
Prizes to be won for
Do you have what it takes to be the best? Can you take 30 steps a minute?
Show us what you got for a chance to win great prizes worth up to RM1000.
How to Enter
1. Register for the Memory Walk at https://cps4.me/wam2021
2. Upload a video of on social media from 1 – 15 September and tag us on Instagram (@adfm.official)
3. Include the following in your caption ”Eh yo, got jalan or not? I’m stepping up for….”
4. Include hashtag #WAM2021 #KnowDementia #KnowAlzheimers #WorldAlzMonth #alzheimersdisease #ADFM #RememberMe
5. Wearing purple is an added bonus.
Winner will be determined by the most number of steps taken within 1 minute.
Top 3 entries will win prizes!
Are you ready to walk the talk? Ready to strike a pose with our “Eh yo, got jalan or not?” placard? Show us your most creative pose for a chance to win great prizes worth up to RM1000
How to Enter
1. Register for the Memory Walk at https://cps4.me/wam2021
2. Upload a photo or video with the “Eh yo, got jalan or not?” placard on your social media between 16 – 30 September and tag us on Instagram (@adfm.official)
3. Include the following in your caption ”Eh yo, got jalan or not? I’m stepping up for….”
4. Include hashtag #WAM2021 #KnowDementia #KnowAlzheimers #WorldAlzMonth#alzheimersdisease #ADFM #RememberMe
5. Wearing purple is an added bonus.
Winners will be determined by the creativity of pose as well as number of likes. Top 3 entries will win prizes!
WAM 2021 T–Shirt for sale : RM25.00🔥

Q1: Can I use a third-party app instead?
A1 : Yes you can. Checkpoint Spot supports all fitness apps. Alternatively you can do manual submission.
1. Go to checkpointspot.asia/submit/wam2021
2. Key in Registration ID and IC Number (Registration ID will appear on email confirmation slip). Kindly fill all the information needed.
3. Your details will appear once you have successfully log-in into your result submission page.
4. Key in your activity Date and Step count, upload the screen shot of your activity.
5. You can submit up to 5 accumulated results.
6. Results will be displayed at leaderboard after verification.
Q2 : When is the last day to submit the result? Do I need to submit the result daily?
A2 : Result submission is required to be done within the submission period which is between 1 September 2021, 00:00 (GMT+8) to 30 September 2021, 23:59 (GMT+8)
Q3 : What if I do not know how to use any Apps, how can I participate and how can I submit my mileage ?
A3 : Please contact ADFM +60379562008 / +60122880966 for further details as there will be volunteers to assist you with registration and result submission.
Q4 : Is it limited to outdoor walk only?
A4 : Treadmill walking / foot pedal aid is accepted. Participants can submit photos of the treadmill dashboard / video recording as results record. Screen shot results are also acceptable. You may submit a photo of your treadmill dashboard by manual submission. The date and step count must be shown in the submitted walking results. Participants can complete step count target in one or multiple submissions.
Q5 : If I am a caregiver or family member assisting the person with dementia to walk, will this be considered number of steps X 2 ? Or they must first register as participants before being considered?
A5 : Senior citizen or Person with Dementia (PwD) and their Carer can register as “Pair”, as ADFM’s effort to encourage elderly and PwD to walk together in this awareness campaign, “Pair” step count submission will automatically multiplied by 2 by Checkpoint Spot Submission System.
Q6 : How much of my registration fees goes to Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia?
A6 : 60% of your registration fee will be channeled to the Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia.
Q7 : Will my steps collected before the participation date count?
A7 : No, your steps will be collected from the date and time of the start of the event, which is between 1 September 2021, 00:00 (GMT+8) to 30 September 2021, 23:59 (GMT+8).
Q8 : Who is eligible to participate in this event?
A8 : This event is open to anyone residing in Malaysia but not limited to Malaysians.
Q9 : If I am a Malaysian residing overseas can I still participate?
A9 : Yes, you can.
Q10 : When will I receive the T-shirts?
A10 : Event T-shirts will be shipped by 11 October 2021 (Delay may occur due to the COVID-19 situation).
*Note: Shipping fee is included in the registration fee.
Q11 : If I decided not to do the walk, can I get a refund?
A11 : All paid registration is not transferrable or refundable.
Q12 : If my team did not finish the step count, will I still be entitled to receive the participants’ items (i.e. T-shirt/mask/e-certificate).
A12 : As this is not a race and ADFM appreciates all participants, each paid participant will received above-mentioned entitlements.
Q13 : What do I do if I enter the wrong information during registration?
A13 : Please email to info@checkpointspot.asia with the changes you want to make.
*Note: We will use the details in your registration for communications and giveaways,
please ensure it is correct.
Q14 : Why didn't I receive any information from Checkpoint Spot / ADFM?
A14 : Please check your email or spam mail folder for our email after a successful registration. Announcements and updates will be informed through email.
Q15 : What is Participants Entitlement about ?
A15 : As a participant, you will be entitled to the following items: a personalized eframe, e-certificate, limited edition WAM mask (limited to the first 100 registered participants), complimentary Sunday Group Activities (4 sessions) with Teacher Jane, and a complimentary One-to-One Virtual Sharing & Exploration Session Through Sand Tray or Expressive Arts (1 session) by the Master of Counselling students from International Medical University (IMU).
Q16 : Is this only for Persons with Dementia and if not, is it transferable if Participants wish to offer entitlement to another person ?
A16 : Participants Entitlement is eligible to all paid participant, it is not transferable
Terms & Condition
1. ADFM World Alzheimer’s Month 2021 Virtual Memory Walk is organized by the Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia (the Organizer). It is open to everyone who has a valid address in Malaysia. Participants aged below 18 years old will need parental consent upon registering, and all participants warrant to provide true, accurate, current and complete personal information during registration.
2. As extra prevention precautions during this COVID-19 time, all participants need to obey the current Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) during all Phases of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) issued by Malaysian National Security Council (NSC) on outdoor exercises, especially for area declared to be under Restricted Movement Control Order (RMCO).
3. Registration fees will be charged in Malaysian Ringgit (RM). The confirmation of participation is ONLY VALID with the confirmed payment of the registration fee. Upon successful payment, a confirmation slip will be sent to the participant’s registered email address. If such confirmation slip is not received within 7 working days from the successful registration date, the participant should contact the Organizer. All entries are NOT TRANSFERABLE, NOT REFUNDABLE AND NOT DEFERRABLE.
4. Step count via walking, jogging, dancing, walking on treadmill or using foot pedal aid is accepted. Participants need to track their activity using any step-tracking app (Strava, Garmin, Fitbit, Samsung app, Google Fit, MyFitnessPal, Pace Health Pedometer, etc.) and submit a screen shot of tracking device as proof. Participants can submit photos of the treadmill dashboard or video recording on dancing as results record. Make sure proof of date and time is visible.
5. All submission is to be submitted at: https://vr.checkpointspot.asia/submit/wam2021 Result submission is open from 12:00AM, 1 September 2021 to 11:59PM, 30 September 2021. This is not a race, there will be NO WINNER but there will be a leaderboard to accumulate all step counts.
6. Participation entitlement will be given to participants who has successfully submitted and completed the respective registered category within the event period.
7. Participants must be certified fit to participate in this event. The Organizer shall not be liable for any accident, injuries or mishap that may occur during participation of the Virtual Memory Walk event.
8. The Organizer may contact the Participants at any time by e-mail or text message. Any notice sent to the e-mail address registered with the Organizer shall consider as received by the Participants. If the Participants provide any information that is inaccurate, untrue, not current or incomplete, or the Organizer has rights to suspect that such information is inaccurate, untrue, not current or incomplete, the Organizer may suspend or terminate the Participants’ registration and fees will not be refunded.
9. If there is a returned of parcel for any reason; upon request, the Organizer will arrange to resend the parcel but the delivery charges will be borne by participants. Any address changes after registration will incur additional charges.
10. The Organizer reserves the right to use any photographs (including those of Participant), motion pictures, recordings, or any other media records of the Event, for any legitimate purpose including commercial advertising and distribution to the Organizer.
11. The Organizer has the rights to amend the Terms & Conditions at any time at its sole discretion without any prior notice.
Any updates on the Event, including any changes to the Terms & Conditions will be posted at www.adfm.org.my. It is the responsibility of the Participant to keep abreast with such updates and changes. the Organizer shall not be liable for any loss or inconveniences caused, due to the changes in the Event.