ADFM Dementia Helpline : +603-7931 5850

Website accessibility

Learn about the accessibility and usability of Alzheimer’s Society website, and how we ensure it remains dementia-friendly.

How we manage the usability of our site

Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation is a partnership with our users to ensure that the site is useful and usable. This includes designing for the inclusion of our users with diverse needs. Our goal is to make a website that is usable and accessible in daily use.

To do this we test the site with people with diverse needs. This includes people living in proximity to dementia. We also use the World-Wide Web (W3C) Consortium’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines and principles wherever possible. We understand that some parts of these guidelines are now outdated. In these instances we strive to make the best compromise possible.

We also provide Dementia Digital Design Guidelines to help people make websites and applications dementia-friendly. These are:

  • Blog post about how to design a website for someone affected by dementia;
  • Analysis framework [Google Sheets] with detailed dementia user experience design guidelines for assessing your website or application.

How we can help you

Contact us with issues you experience

Let us know if you are experiencing any problems or frustrations as you use the site. Likewise, if you have any queries about the website. This includes advice about designing digital services for people affected by dementia.

Accessible resources about dementia

A selection of our most popular publications are available in alternative formats. These include e-books, films, and factsheets as large print PDFs, other languages and audio versions. We also have publications designed to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities.

How you can help yourself

My Web My Way is a BBC resource that can help you to take control of digital experiences with any website or application. In particular it can help you seehear and read content more easily. It can also help you make your keyboard and mouse easier to use.

How you can help us

Making digital publications accessible and usable is a collaboration with you, our user. If you would like to be part of our user research activities — including paid research — let us know via our contact form.

You can learn more about our user-centred approach to making our digital services and website on our blog.

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