Finding an NHS dentist
Explore the dental services available to people with dementia through the NHS.
Dental care an oral health
Seeking a dentist
If the person with dementia already has a regular dentist, they should continue to see the same dentist for routine treatment and preventive advice. If the person goes into residential care, it is important that they continue to have access to a dental service; ideally this would be the person’s regular dentist.
If they do not have a dentist, they will need to find one that is accepting new patients. It is no longer necessary to be registered with a dentist to receive treatment, but dentists will usually keep lists of their regular patients.
Dentist appointments
If someone asks for an appointment, the dental practice will try to offer one as soon as possible at a convenient time within the hours the practice has set aside for NHS patients.
Although some dental practices will contact their patients to arrange check-ups, many dental practices do not send out reminders, so it is important that a person with dementia has someone to remind them to make an appointment. It is recommended that a person diagnosed with dementia who has their own natural teeth is seen by a dentist every six months.
Some dentists will see people at home. This can be less stressful and confusing for the person, and may increase co-operation.
Specialist dental services
If the person’s dementia reaches a point where their dentist can no longer manage their treatment needs, they might be referred to the local salaried community dental service or local specialist dental service.
These services act as a safety net for people who are unable to receive care from a general dental practitioner (high-street dentist). The dentists are usually experienced in providing dental care for people with disabilities and complex medical conditions.
If you have a problem identifying the relevant organisation where you live, please contact your local Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation for advice.
Dental care in care homes
Care homes have a duty to ensure that their residents’ healthcare needs are met. This includes dental care.
The care home manager should be able to supply information about their arrangements for dental care. They may have a local dentist who visits the home to provide regular check-ups, or they may have visits from a local community dental care service.