Readjusting after bereavement
Readjusting after bereavement can be very challenging. Here is our advice for coping at this difficult time.
Grief, loss and bereavement
Life does not just go back to being the same after bereavement. However, the time will usually come when the pain eases and you feel ready to cope with life without the person who died.
Some carers find readjusting easier than others – how long it takes will vary from person to person. If you’re struggling and time doesn’t seem to be helping, you may want to think about professional support.
Tips for readjusting
- Talk about the person who died, and reminisce about them and the life you shared.
- Try to eat properly and get enough rest (even if you don’t manage to sleep).
- Allow yourself space and time to grieve.
- Take things slowly and ask for help and support, if you need it. Tell people what you need – if you don’t, they may not know how to help.
- Try to do things with other people – you could start doing past interests and hobbies again, or consider starting new ones.
If you’re concerned about forgetting the person, there are some things you can do that may help:
- Talk about the person and your memories of them to friends or family.
- Create a photo album.
- Keep some of the person’s personal belongings.
- Do something to commemorate the person, such as planting a tree or arranging a memorial gathering for those close to them. Or you could take part in an event such as our Memory Walk.